A collaborative network to improve access to health care for uninsured people of Mississippi.

Our Core Values
We believe that inability to pay should not prevent people from receiving quality health care.
We believe that community-based planning governance and collaboration are critical.
We believe that significant health care “capacity” can be realized by tapping into the charity and volunteer spirit of the health care community.
We believe that good stewardship of resources means obtaining donated equipment, supplies, and services wherever possible, and utilizing those resources in a manner of integrity.
We believe that all persons deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
To provide communities of Mississippi access to free, quality health care.
To provide communities guidance, training, and technical assistance to establish new community health care clinics.
To increase networking among member clinics.
To keep member clinics updated on state and national public policy issues and legislation affecting health care.
To collect and disseminate aggregate data and information for the purpose of the development of public policy and legislation which affects the population we serve; thereby giving a stronger voice to that we serve.
To encourage high standards of operation for member clinics, professionalism for their staff members, and excellence in their governing bodies.
To provide educational opportunities for member clinic staff and board members.
To develop and maintain relationships with other public, private, and professional health-related organizations.